Thursday, November 7, 2013

Artful Learning

Last week we began our first Artful Learning Unit focused around Hoagy Charmichael's song Lazy River.  You can listen to the song here: 

The first graders will study the concept of relationships as we continue through the inquiry centers in this unit.  
We will ask ourselves how our relationships with others and the world around us affect us. 

Today Mr. Grimme, our music teacher, visited our class and Ms. Parmenter's class came too. Mr. Grimme taught
us about beat and rhythm and why Hoagy's song is considered a jazz song.  Then, he played other versions of 
Lazy River by other famous artists like B.B. King and Michael Buble.  The first graders realized that the words 
were the same, but each song sounded a little different!  

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